A Brief Spotlight on the Tiktaalik Roseae

The Tiktaalik

Image result for Tiktaalik

    The Tiktaalik was a late Devonian era fish that had lungs, a neck that could move, a tetrapod type ribcage, along with fins, scales, and gills. Since the Tiktaalik has components from both land and water animals, this would make it a transitional fossil. People think that the Tiktaalik probably crawled in the sand and muck of shallow freshwater habitats such as swamps, ponds, and lakes. But, people also think that they used their leg-like fins to crawl on land. The name 'Tiktaalik roseae' comes from a benefactor of the research that helped find Tiktaalik fossils in a part Northern Canada back in 2004. The Tiktaalik finds were made up of some nearly complete fossilized skeletons, and a couple dozen partial skeletons.

Tiktaalik - Wikipedia
A partial Tiktaalik skeleton

    Tiktaalik's were usually about 3 to 10 feet in length, and were probably a predator in their habitats, most likely eating fish and small arthropods. The Tiktaaliks were most likely related to another species called Panderichyhs, which are also thought to be a transitional fossil between tetrapods and lobe-finned fishes. The Tiktaalik was an important find because they were one of the missing links in our species' evolution from fish to land animals. Tiktaalik's were one of the first tetrapods (Tetra meaning four, pods meaning legs, or four legs) to actually get out of the water and roam on land. These extinct amphibians mark the earliest known appearance of any tetrapod-type animal in the fossil record.

The Human Edge: Finding Our Inner Fish : NPR


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