
Showing posts from July, 2020

The Ancient Herring

What Were Knightas? The Knightia was an Eocene era fish from what is now the Green River Formation in Wyoming, USA. Knightias are most closely related to the common day Herring has an abundance of fossils. Large amounts of these fossils can be found in just a square yard of the fossiliferous rock they were fossilized in, which is known as Limestone.  An artist's reconstruction of what a Knightia may have looked like Predators and Prey Knightias were very important in the food chain, usually being eaten by different animals such as birds, snakes, and other large fish. Knightias usually ate arthropods, which were like small crustaceans, algae, and sometimes baby fish if they could fit one in their mouth.  A Knightia with a smaller fish in its mouth Anatomy Knightias belong to the same family as sardines and herrings. They had rows of dorsal and ventral scutes that ran from the back of the head to the medial fins. Knightias had heavy scales and small teeth. T...